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Sick of Sickness

Cadell ended up with Conjunctivitis and passed it onto Matt, who is not well with his cold (turned into ear infection so he is on antibiotics) so he went to daycare on monday for about an hr before they sent him home. Fortunately Matt was off work anyway because he is sick, so he has stayed home with Cadell these past 3 days while I have been at work. Matt has the rest of the week off too, so I am able to mostly take care of Cadell and he can get a bit of a rest. I am so ready for us to all be well again and have sickness behind us. 

Last weekend I had a lovely lunch with my Mummies group, without the babies. It was nice to catch up before Max has her 3rd baby. She is due in a few weeks. They are a little different to me though, which sometimes makes me uncomfortable as they are both ( only 2 other ladies from the group there this day) in their mid-thirties, and seem to come from another class - e.g. a bit posh and used to having money. Having said this they are lovely and it is me who has the trouble with it mainly. Sometimes its hard to connect with people who are so different, but I enjoy getting together with them and getting the babies together as it is good for them to have little playmates.

We are slowly getting everything sorted out for the backyard renovations, which will happen in the 1st week of Oct. It will be so lovely to have a nice space out there for Cadell to play. I am looking forward to hopefully early next year being able to sit in the shade (pregnant with number 2!) with a cool drink, watching Cadell run around chasing the dogs etc. 

This month is (hopefully) the month we will start trying officially for baby number 2. I hope it happens this month, but I know that it took 7-8months with Cadell (although my cycle was all over the place and now it is great and we weren't tracking ovation) so I am trying not to get my hopes up too much. If it did though, we would have this baby due in June which would create a lovely symmetry for our little family, June, July, August, Sept for all of our birthdays!


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