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Life lately

As usual its been busy busy in our house. 

I am longing for the time when I am permanently at home with babies because i just know I am not going to feel as stressed. Yes life will still be busy, but if im organized and a good housewife/mother, life will run a lot smoother than it does now. 

I feel that when i am home full-time i will be so much more able to give my family the time it deserves. And after all, what is life about? I don't believe its about working so much that your family suffers. Yes Matt has to work fulltime, but that is his job and he enjoys being the provider for us. It is inbuilt that he would get satisfaction from this, like every man. Just like it is inbuilt into every woman to get satisfaction from doing the washing, or feeding a child.

I started writing this last week! It has definitely been busy. I only worked 1 day this week ( it is holidays so next week I won't work at all then back to it) and the other 2 days Cadell stayed in daycare so I could spend the 7-8hrs i had at home without him cleaning/organising! I did not get as far as I would have liked, but I did get a lot done. I might do a separate post with a list of what I have done so I can look back on it.

This weekend we are preparing the backyard for the renovations which will begin on tuesday. We have a lot of leaves and trees etc that need to go to the dump. We also need to clear out the area under the pool awning.

Today is grocery shopping, I was supposed to do it yesterday afternoon but we didn't get out of the house yesterday. Cadell was very upset with constipation. I need to remind Daycare to make sure he drinks water, as it has happened the last 2 weeks.


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