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A Day in the Life

This is so I have a reminder of what a typical day at home with Cadell at 13 months was like.

6am - Wake up, let the dogs out as they are banging on the gate. Cadell might be awake now, sometime s he sleeps in though until 6:30ish. If he is awake, its a morning feed in bed with Mummy and Daddy. If he isn't I might be organized enough to put some washing on or have a shower.

7am - After his feed, he has a nappy change and dressed for the morning. Then its breakfast time (2 weetbix with yoghurt).

7:30am - Playtime! for Cadell. Mummy starts on housework while Cadell plays in the living room. Today I have a lot of washing to get done and while changing the beds Cadell came in the bedroom to play. Its amazing that with all the toys he has in the living room, what kept him occupied and happy for ages in the bedroom was putting a bit of paper in a cup and trying to 'drink' it.

8:30am - sometimes he has a sleep now, but today I am going to try and just put him down earlier at 11:30am for his longer sleep and hope he has 2 hrs. Soon i will let him watch a bit of TV as quiet time while I get some morning tea ready for him.

9:15am - Morning Tea time. Today we are having banana, sultanas and jelly! he's not too keen on the jelly though, seems he doesn't like the squishy feel of it!

9:30am - more playtime, some by himself while I get jobs done, and then I will play with him for a while as well.

10:30am - Cadell is being a bit whiney and cranky today which is not normal, maybe he is just tired from daycare. He has telly time a little early today, i rang Mum and Dad to catch up a little and going to put another load of washing out while he is watching telly.

11am - Lunch. Peanut Butter Sandwich today and yoghurt. Not what i would normally give him (he's only had about 4 sandwiches in his entire life from me!) but as he is so cranky and I am out of a lot of groceries, its the best thing. I gave him some panadol today as it may be his teeth bothering him.

11:20am - after nappy change and new outfit, we have storytime for 5 minutes before he goes to bed. He goes down well today (normally he does but he might moan for a minute or two before settling, today hes quiet.) and I rush to finish some jobs (mopping, more washing, cleaning up the kitchen) before I can sit down for some lunch and a bit of TV!

2:11pm - Cadell is still asleep! I thought to myself when I put him down, wouldn't it be lovely if he slept for 3 hrs, and he is nearly at that! I'm definitely not complaining. I have managed to get some photos transferred onto this computer, get some washing in, clear the dishes, make a shopping list, move a few things out of the office ( part of a bit spring clean i want to get done next week), and now Matt is home for lunch.

2:20pm - Cadell is up, great sleep though, nearly 3 hours! I would be so happy if he did that everyday. He has afternoon tea, sultanas, cheese, milk, yoghurt cracker. Then we get ready to go out.

3pm - Out shopping, I needed to go to Big W to get some summer clothes for Cadell for Daycare. I get him 3 tops and 2 pairs of shorts for $15. Happy with that. Then we go and do some food shopping.

4:15pm - Home. I lug the shopping upstairs, Cadell has a play while I get washing in, put shopping away, do dishes, get Cadell's dinner ready, make Coffee Kisses (Yum!) start cleaning up, change Cadell's bed....
5:05pm - Feed Cadell his dinner. Matt gets home at 5:15pm, he starts Cadells bath while I finish with dinner.
5:30pm -Bathtime! Cadell loves his bath although tonight we had to cut it short as he pooed. He had been a bit uncomfortable all day so had a bit of constipation. He rarely has this so this is only the second time he has pooed in the bath. At least its out now!
5:50pm - Nighttime feed - we are going to be slowly phasing this out soon.
6pm - Storytime, then off to bed!
6:15pm - time for our dinner which Matt finishes preparing while Im putting Cadell to bed.
The rest of the night is usually spent watching TV, using the computer/ipad, generally relaxing unless we have something else on. Occasionally I will do a few little jobs if I feel like it, Tuesday nights Matt is out and I want to start using this time to do some sewing or other craft but so far haven't started that yet - I end up feeling so tired I just want to blob watching TV!

So that is a day in our life at the moment.


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