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Showing posts from 2012

15 months

Our boy is 15 months old today! Big changes this month - he is walking! It is gradually coming along, over the last few weeks and now he is probably walking more than crawling. He is also being more expressive, still not really saying many words, but he knows what he wants! The last few nights when i have been putting him to bed he has been putting his little arms around my neck, and looking up at me, trying to give me kisses. Very sweet. He still only has 7 teeth, but i think more are on their way. He has been very unsettled lately. He is still growing rapidly, i am sure he must be 12kgs by now - it definitely feels like it!

7 weeks

How far along? 7  weeks Size?  Blueberry Weight gain?   Not sure yet... Sleep?   Ok, though consistently waking up at 5:30am and not going back to sleep. Best Moment of the Week? My Nana and Auntie arriving from the UK. Miss anything? Being able to take any medications - miss this from 2 years ago  since I've been breastfeeding Cadell all the way through anyway! Movement? Not yet. Food Cravings? Indian. Anything make you queasy or sick?   Dairy has been tasting funny to me. Gender?   No idea. I'm thinking boy. Symptoms? Not many,  which is worrying me. I should probably just be grateful! Belly button in or out? In.   Looking forward to? Drs appointment tomorrow, she will hopefully ease my silly worrying. Overall? Looking forward to eventually having a scan at 12 weeks, so we can make sure the baby is ok in there. It doesn't really feel real at the moment. I think I will be able to keep it a secret until 12 weeks this time fr

Backyard Renovations Part 1

Our backyard renovations were completed on the weekend. And when i say completed i mean all the major work, there is still (literally) a ton of dirt to spread around, then we need to turf the area, and decide on a patio area. These will all be done in stages, hopefully we will have the turf in next month. Looking forward to having the area turfed so cadell can play out there! It wont be long before he is walking, so i am looking forward to spending a lot of time out there, he can run around after the dogs while i sit with a cool drink as i will be rather pregnant early next year! Back to the backyard, the new fence looks great, and we now have a double gate on the side. And it looks so spacious out there now! It will be a great space when we get it totally finished.

4 weeks

My phone popped up with, 'your baby is 4 weeks old today'. We took a test last thursday morning, and i was not expecting anything as i didnt feel pregnant. But a very faint line appeared. Took another test yesterday and a really dark line appeared! So... Im definitely pregnant! We are very excited, despite the fact that this past weekend has been stressful in other ways. I will do a proper 4 week post when i have a format i like (symptoms, size of baby all the info i want to remember) But for now i am just really excited, a bit sick and very tired. Also a bit scared about telling everyone at work (wont be until 12 weeks hopefully) as ive only been back a short time. Mum and dad know, and they are very happy and excited. But we wont be telling anyone else until 12 weeks. It should end up being perfect timing for me to finish work at the end of Term 1 next year, i will be 28 weeks then.


Forgot to include in his 14 month update something very cute has been doing lately. He will put things into little containers very carefully and take them out again, and today he had a little box of sultanas which he emptied, carefully filled again, then tried to 'drink' them out of the box.

Tuna patties

These are really easy and Cadell and Matt both love them! All they are really are some mashed vegies - i used potato and carrot - , a tin of tuna, some cheese and then once they are formed into patties dip them in egg and breadcrumbs! And cook of course.

Life lately

As usual its been busy busy in our house.  I am longing for the time when I am permanently at home with babies because i just know I am not going to feel as stressed. Yes life will still be busy, but if im organized and a good housewife/mother, life will run a lot smoother than it does now.  I feel that when i am home full-time i will be so much more able to give my family the time it deserves. And after all, what is life about? I don't believe its about working so much that your family suffers. Yes Matt has to work fulltime, but that is his job and he enjoys being the provider for us. It is inbuilt that he would get satisfaction from this, like every man. Just like it is inbuilt into every woman to get satisfaction from doing the washing, or feeding a child. I started writing this last week! It has definitely been busy. I only worked 1 day this week ( it is holidays so next week I won't work at all then back to it) and the other 2 days Cadell stayed in daycare so I

14 Months

Cadell is 14 months today.  New this month: He has been using his walkers to 'run' round the house a lot more, and been standing by himself for longer periods. He is still not walking but I don't think it will be long before he is. He is 'chatting' but no actual words really apart from mumma and dada ( sometimes 'Daddy'). Finally starting to get over all this sickness he has had since starting daycare, although he (and Daddy) had conjunctivitis this month which was not fun for either of them. We've had a few trips to the beach this month, enjoying more time outside while the weather is nice. He discovered how to climb onto his little chair this month, and stand on it to reach the books on the bookcase! It is amazing how much he is developing. He is definitely becoming a little bit more adventurous, although he is still cautious which is why I think he is not walking yet. He still loves pointing at the birds, and I think he is trying to say &

Morning tea picnic at the park

He had a great time feeding the magpie, and the ducks and swans. Daddy was trying to feed the eel! He also really enjoyed the swing despite his face in that photo. It was lovely to get out in the beautiful weather we are having right now, before it turns super hot. 

A Day in the Life

This is so I have a reminder of what a typical day at home with Cadell at 13 months was like. 6am - Wake up, let the dogs out as they are banging on the gate. Cadell might be awake now, sometime s he sleeps in though until 6:30ish. If he is awake, its a morning feed in bed with Mummy and Daddy. If he isn't I might be organized enough to put some washing on or have a shower. 7am - After his feed, he has a nappy change and dressed for the morning. Then its breakfast time (2 weetbix with yoghurt). 7:30am - Playtime! for Cadell. Mummy starts on housework while Cadell plays in the living room. Today I have a lot of washing to get done and while changing the beds Cadell came in the bedroom to play. Its amazing that with all the toys he has in the living room, what kept him occupied and happy for ages in the bedroom was putting a bit of paper in a cup and trying to 'drink' it. 8:30am - sometimes he has a sleep now, but today I am going to try and just put him down earlier


This little monkey was a bit proud of himself for getting up on his chair!  We spent a morning the other week in the garden with the dogs running round, Cadell loved that and was a little bit sad that he couldn't chase after the dogs! Won't be long before he is though... Its been a funny week as Matt has been off sick all week. I find it difficult to stick to my usual schedule when he's home, so I don't feel like everything has got done. But that is ok. Matt's birthday tomorrow, not sure what we are doing for it yet, maybe go out for a later lunch (after Cadell wakes up from his nap) and not too much else as he is still not 100%.  Only 1 more week (next week) of school, and then the following week I will work 1 day and the other 2 days Cadell will stay in Daycare and I have a long long list of Spring Cleaning/Decluttering to get done. I have started on it a tiny bit already as there is so much I want to get done. The week after that, I have the f

Sick of Sickness

Cadell ended up with Conjunctivitis and passed it onto Matt, who is not well with his cold (turned into ear infection so he is on antibiotics) so he went to daycare on monday for about an hr before they sent him home. Fortunately Matt was off work anyway because he is sick, so he has stayed home with Cadell these past 3 days while I have been at work. Matt has the rest of the week off too, so I am able to mostly take care of Cadell and he can get a bit of a rest. I am so ready for us to all be well again and have sickness behind us.  Last weekend I had a lovely lunch with my Mummies group, without the babies. It was nice to catch up before Max has her 3rd baby. She is due in a few weeks. They are a little different to me though, which sometimes makes me uncomfortable as they are both ( only 2 other ladies from the group there this day) in their mid-thirties, and seem to come from another class - e.g. a bit posh and used to having money. Having said this they are lovely and it is m

This week

The weeks seem to fly by. The first part of the week is a whirlwind of getting ready for work, working, then rushing to get Cadell into bed as early as we can manage as he is usually so tired after not really sleeping at daycare (and this week he is still sick so he has been even more tired) then getting our tea and collapsing on the sofa... And then the rest of the week is spent (for me) catching up on washing, cleaning, cooking, and looking after/playing with Cadell. I am going to do a separate post on a typical day when I am at home with Cadell so I can look back on what our routine was at this time. It would have been good if I had been doing the blog when he was younger so I could have recorded his routine at each stage. Hopefully I will be able to do that for the next baby. He seems to be slowly getting better, he has been napping (so far) better than last week, and the last 2 nights he hasn't been coughing all through the night. I think Matt is also a bit better, he has

7 years

Today is our wedding anniversary. Cant believe its been 7 years already. We've done a lot in that time. It definitely hasn't all been easy, but thats not what a marriage is. It takes work and commitment. We've had a lot of great times, and not so great times. But im definitely looking forward to a lot of great times ahead and as we are growing as a family, our marriage is also changing and growing. One of Matt's greatest qualities is his caring nature. He is always ready and willing to look after me when I am sick, in general I think he always wants to take care of me and our family, everything he does is because he wants to provide the best for us. He is a great father, as I knew he would be, and as a husband he has been amazing over this journey of having our first child. Through my pregnancy he looked after me, drove me to work most days even though it meant going out of his way, dealt with my pregnancy cravings and freak-outs about mone


Our trip to the beach at Redcliffe this weekend.


Cadell seems to be sick....again. Yesterday he vomited when he was down for his nap, so he only had maybe 40 mins sleep then. He has been really unsettled with sleep lately, coughing a lot and I think he is just generally a bit miserable. Poor boy. He also has had a bit of diarrhoea.  Despite all this, we managed to have a pretty good day yesterday. We made yesterday fathers day for Matt as he is out this morning drumming at church. I made him eggs benedict for breakfast, and after Cadells (unsuccessful) nap, we went to redcliffe to the beach. Cadell had a great time, he is starting to get more and more interactive when it comes to play, and was trying to put sand into the bucket and then knock the bucket over. He was watching Matt tip the bucket over to make sandcastles, and I think he was trying to copy. Matt also had a great time, he is enjoying being able to really play with Cadell now I think.  I am now waiting for Cadell to fall asleep for his morning nap, he was up



Cadell enjoyed his lunch today. Macaroni tomato mince 

Instagram photos

13 months old

Today our beautiful boy is 13 months old! I can't believe how the time is flying. I think its only going to get worse! He is changing so rapidly these days, losing his baby look and becoming a little boy. He is so close to walking. This weekend he was attempting to take some hesitant steps to me or Daddy, and standing by himself for longer. He is still apprehensive though. Tooth number 5 is almost through, and tooth number 6 is on its way also. He is still sleeping great, 12 hrs most nights, and when we are at home at least a 2 hr nap. At daycare he isnt napping well though, which makes for a very tired and cranky little boy when we collect him. No real words yet apart from 'Mumma' and 'Dada', he does a lot of pointing and 'Dat' and 'Dere' especially when we are looking for birds which he loves. Hes waving, and we are currently showing him how to blow kisses. Dada has started putting him to bed occasionally, this came out of neccessity

Photo Editing

Just trying some different online editing sites. Currently very unwell today is the first day I have really felt like doing anything besides trying to sleep and rest, but I think I'm on the mend now, managed to eat some breakfast so that is a good start! I have so many photos to go through, and so many things I want to do with them. I also need to finish doing all of Cadell's first year videos, I'm excited to start but because I haven't really used Imovie much yet its a bit of a challenge. I love all of the creative outlets out there these days for saving precious family memories though.  I am going to have to prioritise my photo/video projects over the next few months. I have a lot of things I want to get done, some will be presents for family members and others are just things I want to get done to keep everything up to date.

Apple Cinnamon Muffins

I made these yummy muffins today, mainly as a snack for Cadell but they are so nice Mummy and Daddy might eat a few! I have been hunting for ideas for snacks for Cadell lately as I need things he can eat that are easy, healthyish, and don't make too much mess if we have to be out and about! I got the recipe from and it's american but there is not too many differences. Ingredients 1 1/2 cups plain flour 3/4 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/3 cup vegetable oil 1 egg 1/3 cup milk 2 apples - peeled chopped etc. 200 c oven Basically mix dry ingredients, add wet, then fold in the apples. Cook for 20-25 mins in muffin pan. Cadell seemed to like them!


It was my birthday yesterday, and just so happened to also be a public holiday here! Which was great as we both had the day off and the daycare was still open (wasn't a public holiday in that region) so we took Cadell in for a shorter day while we went and had a nice lunch. We picked him up from daycare around 3pm, and headed to the beach as it was such a lovely day. He had a great time knocking over all the sandcastles that Daddy was making!


For my boy because hes not feeling well and not eating. He ate some, but mainly played with them. posted from Bloggeroid


This week has been a funny week, I didn't go to work at all on Monday as Cadell was coughing so much he was vomiting and just generally not well so I didn't want to send him to daycare. On Tuesday he was still not well, so I took him to the Doctors early, and he gave us antibiotics for two inflamed ears. He said he was ok to send to daycare though, so I took him to daycare where there was a new person looking after him. I wasn't too happy about leaving him, he was upset and I didn't like to leave him with a new person when he was already unwell and upset. But I had to go to work. Wednesday I was feeling sick but I went to work, I phoned daycare at lunch and they said he was upset and not eating so I left work and went to take him home. So today I am full of cold, Cadell seems a little better but still not eating well so I am going to make him pancakes for morning tea when he wakes up to see if he will eat them. I think Cadell and I have been sick on and off for ne


Since Cadell's first birthday last weekend I have as most people do, been reminiscing back to Cadell's birth. It is hard not to think about what I was doing this time last year, how small he was, how far we've come since then, the sleepless nights and worrying about how he wasn't gaining weight. Now he is a great big heavy lump at 11kgs! Daddy's first cuddle His first bath First smile  First trip to the doctors - 7 days old Its so easy to forget those early days as they were so hazy, with sleep deprivation and the newness of the situation. It is amazing for me to look back at his early photos and realise the similarities, how much he still looks like he did then. I guess before I had my own baby I kind of thought all babies looked the same, but their little personalities and own features are there right from the beginning. He is so precious to us! Its hard to know just how much they will change your life when you are pregnant

Cadell's First Birthday

Cadell celebrated his First birthday on the weekend. He was sick, so we didn't end up having a party, but we did have a celebration with his cake: And his grandparents: The Beautiful Birthday Boy! He had a good day despite still not being well. Had his 12 month vaccinations yesterday, and so far seems to be ok from them. He was very brave even though there was 3 needles, 2 in his arms and 1 big one in his leg. He still has a bit of a cough from last week, but gradually getting over it. I think when they are at daycare it is a constant battle with runny noses etc. He is at daycare 3 days a week while I am at work. Being back at work is going better than I had thought. Having said that, the best part of my day is when we go to collect him. Having the 2 days at home with him before the weekend is great though. I definitely couldn't do 5 days a week away from him.