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Showing posts from 2014

22 weeks

I have been super slack again even though I did want to update on this pregnancy a bit more as it's my last. All going well aside from low blood pressure. Finally starting to feel her a little bit more, because my placenta is anterior I don't feel her very regularly yet which I don't like but I'm sure that will change once she gets a bit bigger. Life is generally busy and getting busier as christmas nears. I am not fond of the busyness, but I just have to push through. Matt should have a couple weeks of at Christmas so hopefully we will have some time to relax, and get some things organised for the new year. Once Christmas is done there will only be 2 months until she is here. The church's op shop was having a sale the other week and so we went and got a lot of pink clothes, and some toys for the boys. The best part was they were only .10c each and very good quality! Only spent about $5.60 and got 50 things!

ITS A....

GIRL!!! We can't believe it. I think we are still in shock really. It feels as though this is all meant to be now, as this is the baby we weren't going to have, definitely weren't planning, and it will be our precious baby daughter!! It just feels so right that our little family will be completed with our little girl. We have her name already and are now excited about all the other items to organize as it's a whole different thing with a girl! We have to get new clothes, some nursery decoration etc. It's all very exciting. My morph scan is in a week and a bit, so they will check on my placenta which is a bit low apparently, and will make sure bub is healthy. After that we will tell our friends the news!

16 weeks

Nothing really to update, although my morning sickness has improved a lot and my back and neck have been pretty good too as long as I don't overdo it. We are going away this weekend which is very exciting. The boys have been challenging as I have been doing a lot myself with Matt working at the old house a few nights and on the weekend, but we handed that over on Sunday so happy to have that done. As far as we know it all went well we didn't hear anything so the cleaning etc must have been fine. Gender scan next Friday!

15 weeks

Finally starting to get through the worst of morning sickness, it's still around but usually just in the evenings and not too bad. I had my first hospital appointment last week, she managed to find the baby with the doppler which is nice as I hadn't been feeling much movement yet so wanted to know all was still well. Apparently it's very active,  so probably a boy! I may not get into the midwifery / birth centre program which sucks as I had the pre eclampsia with Cadell but there is still a chance. Definitely feeling more pregnant now. We have moved house 2 weeks ago, and hand over the old house next week so will be glad when that's all done. We have the gender scan booked for October 10th, and then the 20 week morphology scan on the 23rd. Then a hospital appointment to see a Dr on the 4th Nov. We have our little weekend away in less than 2 weeks so that is going to be nice. We need a break!

5/6 weeks

How far along ? 5/6 weeks. 6 weeks going off LMP but my calculations would make it closer to 5 weeks. Not sure what to go off. Size of Baby?  Pea. Weight gain? I've lost about half a kg which is good as I have more weight on me right now than I would like. Eating very healthy with fruit for snacks and vegetable soup for lunches but have had some dessert and chocolate.. Sleep? Ok just getting up to go to the toilet a few times and other sleep issues because of my neck/back not the pregnancy. Miss anything? Painkillers. Best moment of the week? Not sure. Food aversions? Not really - cooking the boys scrambled eggs made me feel sick the other day. Cravings? Nothing really. Gender? So far it doesn't feel the same as the boys pregnancies so maybe a girl?? Symptoms ? Bit sick, very tired, and headaches. Overall? The week went by quick as usual still don't really believe I'm pregnant.

I'm Pregnant!

This was completely not planned and a total shock! I'm 5 weeks exactly as per LMP today. I still can't believe it. We are happy about it, but I would have preferred to be a bit further along in my physio rehab. I'm just a bit apprehensive as to how my body will handle it. I will have 3 children 3 and under... We had originally planned if we actually had another one to wait until Liam was 3 and Cadell at school so this is a bit earlier than planned!! I've been up and down about it since I found out this morning, mainly up, but then having brief moments of panic regarding the birth, coping with 3 children so close together, family's reaction, my back coping, my fitness and weight not being great.... I haven't been feeling much symptom wise but what made me convinced I must be pregnant was the fact I was falling asleep while sitting upright on the couch at night!


I've decided to use this blog for a few different things. 1. Trying to keep me on track with things I need to do eg. To do lists, projects, goals.. 2. Documenting family life - day in the life posts, milestones, pictures, generally trying to keep track of these special moments. 3. Whatever else I wish to document/remember! 

Liam turns One

Our second boy turned 1 on the 20th of June. We had a little family party, just Gran and Pop, and Uncle Dan and cousin Max who also just turned 1. He seemed to have a lot of fun opening his presents and playing with everyone, and enjoyed a little bit of cake! He now has nearly 2 teeth, with at least 2 more on the way causing lots of pain. He is such a cheeky little boy and loves climbing. He loves figuring out how to put things together, cruising round furniture, has stood up a few times briefly by himself but no walking yet. At his 12 month appointment he was off the charts with height at 82cm, above average with weight at 11.38kg. He went well with his needles, barely crying. He still doesn't consistently sleep through the night but was getting more regular with it. He's been sick lately though so it's been a bit disrupted.

Instagram photos

From the end of January.

Things Cadell says

I want to remember the way Cadell says things at this age, I guess the best way is to video but I haven't been getting to do that as much so I thought I'd write them down. His favorite thing at the moment is Helicopters, considering the rescue choppers fly overhead here 3+ times a day it's not surprising. The way he says it is " E - tot - ta".


I wish it didn't feel so difficult to update this regularly.  I feel like  I have missed all these opportunities to record little things that I will want to remember when I am older. I have to say though it is much easier and quicker to type than to write with pen and paper, I guess thats cos Im a lefty. Liam has done a few nights in a row now of sleeping 12-13 hours straight, he goes back and forth with the sleeping but hoping this is it and he has finally settled into a routine. Cadell is talking so much more these days, will attempt almost any word and comes out with things that we think 'where did he get that from?' They have very good listening despite me feeling as though he never listens to me especially when i say No!! Liam is waking up now from his nap. Here are a few photos

Project 365 Week 3 Days 15-21

Project 365 Week 3.  Lining up his cars. He says 'Ar ok, tuck?' (Are you ok truck) when one moves out of line. Jan 15 Cleaning the house for photos as it has gone on the market. We don't really want to have to move after only moving in a month ago. :( Jan 16 Holding the bottle himself. He seems to have been preferring the bottle more than me at the moment. Jan 17 Already throwing the ball for Tessie. Jan 18 Slept 13 hours straight last night! First time for months that he has done that. Jan 19 Not part of project 365 but this was Cadell at the park, he had a great time! Jan 19 Happy 7 months to Liam! Standing by himself clever boy. Jan 20 37 degrees today so he came in a bit sweaty after his morning play! Jan 21

Project 365 Week 2 Days 8-14

Project 365 Week 2  Liam has not been sleeping well, but with this smiley pixie face all is forgiven quickly…! Jan 8 Brotherly Love…Jan 9  New Outfit from Auntie Chris and Uncle Clive Jan 10. The best things to come out of 2013. Jan 11  In the wars. Jan 12 Sitting at the top of the front stairs. Jan 13 My boys! Jan 14.

Library Books January 12th

Our Library books this week.  This book 'Spoon' was quite good, little bit old really but Cadell seems to enjoy it.  This one is cute, rhyming which we like and perfect age group for Cadell.  This one has lovely illustrations, not too many words and is great.  Cadell wants this every night, probably because of the dog, but it is a lovely book.  This one is a counting board book, quite nice.  This one is to teach I'm sorry, not sure that Cadell really likes it though.  This one is a bit silly really but I think Cadell likes the chooks in it. This one is very much too old for Cadell, but it is quite funny and a new book.

Project 365 Week 1 Days 1-7

I started Project 365 this year on New Years Day 2014. Here is the first week! Liam sitting up properly for the first time on New Years Day. Jan 1 Cadell wanted to draw a picture of a snake for Pop to see on Jan 2. ( I helped a little bit!)  It was 40 degrees over this weekend and we hibernated in the bath and in the air con playing play dough. Jan 3  Another really hot day, i spent a lot of it making up some food for Liam to help through the week. Jan 4  To round off a very hot weekend we enjoyed a little ice cream - Cadell wouldn't eat the bottom of his ice-cream because it was too messy and had to wash his hands, face, and brush his teeth straight after! Our little OCD boy…Jan 5.  Matt on his way to work for his first day at his new job! Jan 6  This photo was also Jan 6 and not technically part of Project 365 but still gorgeous.  Flashback Tuesday - Liams baby feet at 1 month old. Jan 7