This was completely not planned and a total shock! I'm 5 weeks exactly as per LMP today. I still can't believe it.
We are happy about it, but I would have preferred to be a bit further along in my physio rehab. I'm just a bit apprehensive as to how my body will handle it.
I will have 3 children 3 and under...
We had originally planned if we actually had another one to wait until Liam was 3 and Cadell at school so this is a bit earlier than planned!!
I've been up and down about it since I found out this morning, mainly up, but then having brief moments of panic regarding the birth, coping with 3 children so close together, family's reaction, my back coping, my fitness and weight not being great....
I haven't been feeling much symptom wise but what made me convinced I must be pregnant was the fact I was falling asleep while sitting upright on the couch at night!
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