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Bethan's Birth story

In the week or so leading up to Bethan's due date I had been having a lot of painful braxton hicks which we thought may have been the start of labour, but unfortunately did not eventuate.

On Friday the 20th March I had my 40+2 appointment, where they did a stretch and sweep and the Dr said he thought I would go into labour that night or the next day as I was 3 cm dilated already, my waters were bulging and everything was looking favourable.

I had some contractions Saturday morning but they fizzled out. Then on the Monday I had more contractions and bub wasn't moving as much so we went in to be monitored. She had a few decelerations but everything was fine in the end. They did another stretch and sweep and I had to go back in the morning for my 41 week appointment.

They booked my induction for Friday 27th and I was to ring at 6 am to find out when to go in. I rang and was told there was no beds and they would ring again in the afternoon to let me know.

In the afternoon they rang to say I needed to ring again in the morning as they still had no space.  I was a bit frustrated and anxious.

At 5 30am on Saturday the 28th March I rang the hospital yet again to be told no beds and too busy. They said they would ring me at 9am, I ended up ringing at 90 5 am when they told me they have just cleared a heap of beds and to come in at 1130am. I was very relieved to hear that.

We went in at 1130am and got taken to a delivery room at 12pm. I think it was called the magnolia suite. We got set up with paperwork etc, got monitors on, then they broke my water at 1240pm. Bubs heart rate was quite high at 160 most of the time and she was doing a lot of somersaults so they were concerned about that, and put cannula in so they could give me fluids. The fluids did bring her heart rate down so we continued on with setting the drip up as my contractions were small and inconsistent.
The drip went in around 2pm I think, and they noted my labour officially started at 250pm.

The contractions started getting stronger and stronger although still irregular. I was managing them but thinking about pain relief.  I asked to try the gas, and my contractions started coming on top of each other. Matt said he didn't tell me but they turned my drip up when I was already in so much pain. At about 445pm I asked if I was almost there as the pain was so bad. Susan (the midwife) said my check wasn't for another hour.

Then they lost bubs heart rate so everyone came running and the Dr tried to check me and put the monitor on bubs head.  By that stage I was writhing around in agony so I didn't want anyone's hand up there. But she got it done. I had had my eyes closed tightly for quite a while and didn't want to open them. I was also very firmly clutching Matts hand and didn't let him go.
They told me to get on my left side to help find bubs heart rate. I said I wanted to push and started, I think it took about 4 pushes and she was out.  She was screaming when she came out, the noisiest of any of my babies. She also didn't stop for a while, the midwife said it might be because she was hungry being so overdue.
The midwife told me they had tested the cord blood and she had plenty of reserves, but the reason they lost the heart rate was because she had the cord wrapped around her body (all those somersaults) and when she was being squeezed through the birth canal the cord was also squeezing her but she was fine.

She feed for a bit and was very good at that, then they took her to be weighed and dressed (it wasn't for an hour or so, I had my milo and toast in the mean time!).

She was 7 lb 12 oz and 53 cm long, head circ was 36 cm.

I didn't have any tears or stitches or anything which was great! I did have 'ragged membranes' but it hasn't seemed to be an issue.


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