We cant believe our gorgeous firstborn son is 2 years old! There are so many things i want to remember of him in these days.
He really is a treasure. We are so lucky to have been given him. He is such a sweet natured boy, still shy but coming out of his shell more and more. He can be quite cheeky and knows it! He is still not saying much, although he knows everything, we only have to say something once and he remembers it.
He loves his new little brother and wants to hug and kiss him all the time, we are working on being gentle! He is seeming to say 'hi baby' when he comes to see liam and its in such a tender way, so lovely to see.
Since I started writing this he has been progressing in leaps and bounds with his talking. I was looking at a book with him yesterday evening and he pointed at the clock in the book, and said 'clock' and then pointed to our clock on the wall! He did it many times when we asked him to repeat.
He is so heavy now! I have had break from lifting him after having Liam, and have only just started to pick him up occasionally and he is so heavy! I also think he has shot up in the last few weeks, we need to measure him but he was wearing some shorts the other day that used to be below his knee, and now is above his knee.
Everyone at daycare loves him. I think he is a lot quieter and sweet than a lot of the others, and rarely gives them any trouble. We had report at daycare the other day and they were very pleased with him. His social skills have improved a lot. He is not keen on making things, but loves playing outside and playing with the baby/home corner. He now has his favourite people in his room, Miss Beth, Miss Vera, Miss Lauren, and Miss Prue. Everyone at daycare calls Miss Prue his 'girlfriend', as he seems to be really attached to her and will always want to go straight to her when he gets to daycare.
He loves his new little brother and wants to hug and kiss him all the time, we are working on being gentle! He is seeming to say 'hi baby' when he comes to see liam and its in such a tender way, so lovely to see.
Since I started writing this he has been progressing in leaps and bounds with his talking. I was looking at a book with him yesterday evening and he pointed at the clock in the book, and said 'clock' and then pointed to our clock on the wall! He did it many times when we asked him to repeat.
He is so heavy now! I have had break from lifting him after having Liam, and have only just started to pick him up occasionally and he is so heavy! I also think he has shot up in the last few weeks, we need to measure him but he was wearing some shorts the other day that used to be below his knee, and now is above his knee.
Everyone at daycare loves him. I think he is a lot quieter and sweet than a lot of the others, and rarely gives them any trouble. We had report at daycare the other day and they were very pleased with him. His social skills have improved a lot. He is not keen on making things, but loves playing outside and playing with the baby/home corner. He now has his favourite people in his room, Miss Beth, Miss Vera, Miss Lauren, and Miss Prue. Everyone at daycare calls Miss Prue his 'girlfriend', as he seems to be really attached to her and will always want to go straight to her when he gets to daycare.
He loves all his soft toys, and we caught him 'feeding' his dinner to one of his soft toys last night - resulted in a bath for 'Murray' also!
His personality is developing so much at this age, so many little quirks and funny things he is starting to say and do.
He is starting to make animal noises, if we ask him what noise an elephant makes he lifts his arm like a trunk and says 'brrrrrr'.
He is definitely our special little 2 year old.
Can't imagine life without him!
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