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Showing posts from July, 2013


Cadell is so good with Liam. I do have to watch him very carefully as he is only as gentle as a 2 year old can be, and thinks Liam might like a sip of his juice, or a tiny teddy...! He loves to give him kisses and cuddles, and is concerned about him when he hears him start to make noise on the baby monitor. He hasn't shown one bit of jealousy yet, and has been the same happy child since Liam arrived. We were expecting a change in behaviour and maybe a bit of jealousy, but he has adjusted like nothing has changed really.  I know this period of time is quite challenging, when they are both small, but I am glad for the close age gap between them as I am hoping they will be best buddies as they grow. 

Cadell's Second Birthday

We started off the day with presents and balloons! And then had strawberry pancakes for breakfast - same as last year. The cake that Mummy and Daddy spent a lot of time on, mainly Daddy as he did all the carving and icing! Present from Gran and Pops - MegaBloks Wagon Having fun with his older cousins Azra, Dominic, Daniel and Samuel. Liam with Auntie Ros Liam with his cousin Samuel I think he enjoyed the cake! Auntie Hannah and Uncle Dan with little cousin Max.

Cadell: 2 years old

We cant believe our gorgeous firstborn son is 2 years old! There are so many things i want to remember of him in these days. He really is a treasure. We are so lucky to have been given him. He is such a sweet natured boy, still shy but coming out of his shell more and more. He can be quite cheeky and knows it! He is still not saying much, although he knows everything, we only have to say something once and he remembers it. He loves his new little brother and wants to hug and kiss him all the time, we are working on being gentle! He is seeming to say 'hi baby' when he comes to see liam and its in such a tender way, so lovely to see. Since I started writing this he has been progressing in leaps and bounds with his talking. I was looking at a book with him yesterday evening and he pointed at the clock in the book, and said 'clock' and then pointed to our clock on the wall! He did it many times when we asked him to repeat. He is so heavy now! I have had break f...

Liam at 5 weeks

Not sure how much he weighs this week, I would say a little over 5kgs now! He really is a perfect baby. Usually he sleeps well, last night however he was a bit more unsettled, when i say unsettled he wasn't crying for hours, but just up a lot more for feeds. Its either because he is having a growth spurt, or because he is slightly constipated as he has gone from pooing every day to nothing for the last few days. He isn't bothered though, still content when he is awake. He is settling into a little routine and will usually go to bed around 8-9pm and sleep til 1-2am, then usually sleep until 6am which means I am only getting up once a night unless we are having an off night. He is smiling more and more, and putting up with a lot of slobbery kisses and not so gentle cuddles from his brother. I think that they will be best friends very soon. He is generally just a very content baby, happy to fit in with whatever is going on which is a perfect quality for a second chi...

Liam's birth story

It started with my 41 week appointment at the hospital on Wednesday afternoon, the19th June. We talked about induction, she checked me to see if I was favourable and in doing so stretched me to 3cm dilated. She said its a 50/50 chance of going into labour after doing that, so we were hopeful. But she went ahead and booked us the earliest induction date which was Saturday the 22nd. I woke up at 2 am on Thursday the 20th, went to the toilet and then went back to bed, and felt some pains. I started looking at the time whenever I had a pain to see if they were regular, and noticed they were every 10 minutes quite consistantly. After a bit i woke up Matt (3am). I told him i thought i was in labour so he started timing the contractions with an app on his phone. Once they got to around 4-7mins apart, and were getting painful I tried getting in the shower and bouncing on my gym ball to manage the pain. At around 430-5am we rang the hospital, she said to try and wait another hour before c...