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Showing posts from August, 2013

Routine for Cadell

I just created this with a template from KaylaAimee and photoshop. I am hoping it will help with keeping Cadell on a schedule in the mornings, we will see how it goes tomorrow! I added the 'unload dishwasher' job, as he always wants to help me with it whenever he can - so he wont be actually unloading the dishwasher by himself, more 'assisting' me and we can hopefully get it done together in under 20 minutes!!

Liam at 8 weeks

Weight - somewhere around 6.5kgs ( haven't weight him on baby scales since his 6 week check - had to weigh him with me on normal scales!) Length - not sure either. He has developed a bit of baby acne, and a few spots of cradle cap on the back of his head. At 8 weeks Liam is starting to become more of a baby and less of a newborn. He is starting to try and giggle when you tickle his cheeks, or in reaction to you talking to him. I have noticed however that he does seem to have torticollis like his brother. I have started being vigilant with doing exercises to stretch and strengthen his neck, increased tummy time (whenever he is awake he will go on his tummy until he gets upset) and watching his head as I have noticed a slight flattening on one side. I have tried to re-position during naptimes in the day, and he still sleeps with his pillow that is supposed to prevent flathead. He has just started sleeping from 7pmish-3am, more often than not. which is nice, I a...

Liam at 6 weeks

Weight - 5.91kgs Length - 58cm Head Circ - 39 cm As I am now writing this when Liam is 9 weeks I don't remember too many details about when he was 6 weeks! He had his vaccinations and 6 week check up and went very well. Cried more than Cadell did, his little pathetic bottom lip cry. Amazing how the 2 babies can be so different, I remember Cadell's cry to be more of an angry cry. He was still sleeping reasonably well, waking up twice usually in the night to feed.

This and That

This is what life is like with a 2 year old and a baby! I have yet to finish Liam's 6 week and 8 week updates, but managed to take his 2 month photo so was able to do this comparison collage. He has definitely been growing! Life can be tough sometimes. We are going ok but I am longing for some stability, at the moment we are contemplating (actually very much pursuing) a job change and town change. Matt is unhappy at his current job, and we are both sick of the hectic life we are currently living for the privilege of being in a big city. Hoping all the pieces will fall into place soon and we can get permanently settled somewhere.

Words Cadell can say now - 24 months old

He's very good at saying 'No' now, its a very emphatic no with a headshake always accompanying. 'More' 'Door' - this is because he loves the garage door opening so always says 'Door?' when we are getting ready to go out. 'Ta' 'Duck' - as his favourite animals are birds, this is one of his first words and most recognisable character for him to pick out in books, real life, etc. 'Car' 'Up' - when he wants to be picked up. 'Cheese' - I've only caught him saying this once the other day, but I think as time goes on he is having a go at more and more words. I know that he comprehends and understands language very well, but i think its part of his shy nature that he won't try and vocalise as much. I know at daycare they say that as soon as they start making a big deal out of something he has done or said, he gets shy and wont repeat.