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Showing posts from June, 2013

Twin Cousins

Liam Alexander Morgan

41 weeks

40 weeks

40 weeks pregnant today. I am a bit over it now. I was going ok until yesterday, when i was feeling pretty off and then today, woke up feeling sick. I had my doctors appointment this morning, and I am perfectly healthy, and baby is healthy, but I don't really think he has any plans on coming out just yet. Dan and Hannah are having their C-section this friday afternoon now, so their baby's birthday will be 14/6/13. I am looking forward to meeting my nephew. I might get to see him before I have mine if I don't go into labour before then.

Family Photos

We managed to get a few family photos before this bub arrives which turned out alright. Cadell is so cute in these! 

39 weeks and 5 days pregnant

With Baby #2 With Cadell at 39 weeks and 2 days pregnant

22 months

My first born is now 22 months! I have been finding it a bit hard lately, with our eminent arrival of baby #2, and with all that has been happening (finishing work, selling house, and moving house - all of which I will write down at some point!) to really spend as much quality time with Cadell as I would have liked while we still have this  one-on-one time. He is still not really talking much, although he is comprehending so much more every day, has figured out that there is a baby in mummy's tummy and will cuddle and kiss my belly. He will also offer the baby a drink through my belly button as he does with all his toys and the dogs these days. He did say 'Baby' one day, and I think he said 'birdie' also. Birds are his favourite thing still, and he loves balls and balloons, playing outside, the dogs. He's not as keen on the TV, but when he does watch it he loves 'mr blooms nursery' and 'Justin's house'. He is becoming a very helpful lit

39 weeks and 3 days pregnant

Still pregnant. We werent sure if our nephew was going to be born early this weekend, but Hannah's blood pressure has come down now so it will be a wait and see thing. I think they will probably still do c section next week sometime. Mum and Dad will come when they do have bub, so if i havent had mine by then i guess it will be good to have them here for when i do go into labour. Glad its not quite yet tho, im not ready entirely. We cleaned the car out and got the 2 seats in today, its strange seeing them in there.

39 weeks and 2 days pregnant

I'm now over 39 weeks pregnant. I feel like I will be pregnant forever, no labour signs or anything. I'm not too uncomfortable, it's just getting hard to look after Cadell this pregnant. Starting to have trouble sleeping and aches and pains etc as well. I'm going to try and update this regularly, and we need to take some good family photos this weekend before bub comes as I'm feeling bad that we haven't documented this pregnancy much. I want this baby just as much as I wanted his brother, so I hope he never feels as though he wasn't wanted. It's just different with the second one, and with everything we have had going on...time has been in short supply.