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Showing posts from November, 2014

22 weeks

I have been super slack again even though I did want to update on this pregnancy a bit more as it's my last. All going well aside from low blood pressure. Finally starting to feel her a little bit more, because my placenta is anterior I don't feel her very regularly yet which I don't like but I'm sure that will change once she gets a bit bigger. Life is generally busy and getting busier as christmas nears. I am not fond of the busyness, but I just have to push through. Matt should have a couple weeks of at Christmas so hopefully we will have some time to relax, and get some things organised for the new year. Once Christmas is done there will only be 2 months until she is here. The church's op shop was having a sale the other week and so we went and got a lot of pink clothes, and some toys for the boys. The best part was they were only .10c each and very good quality! Only spent about $5.60 and got 50 things!