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Showing posts from April, 2014

Things Cadell says

I want to remember the way Cadell says things at this age, I guess the best way is to video but I haven't been getting to do that as much so I thought I'd write them down. His favorite thing at the moment is Helicopters, considering the rescue choppers fly overhead here 3+ times a day it's not surprising. The way he says it is " E - tot - ta".


I wish it didn't feel so difficult to update this regularly.  I feel like  I have missed all these opportunities to record little things that I will want to remember when I am older. I have to say though it is much easier and quicker to type than to write with pen and paper, I guess thats cos Im a lefty. Liam has done a few nights in a row now of sleeping 12-13 hours straight, he goes back and forth with the sleeping but hoping this is it and he has finally settled into a routine. Cadell is talking so much more these days, will attempt almost any word and comes out with things that we think 'where did he get that from?' They have very good listening despite me feeling as though he never listens to me especially when i say No!! Liam is waking up now from his nap. Here are a few photos