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Showing posts from January, 2013

18 months old

Our little boy is a year and a half! Time is flying by at the moment. So far, he hasn't been saying too much, but I think he has been trying to say a few things such as 'truck' and babbling in his own lanaguage. He also says 'Yeah' when we ask him something and its something he wants! He is understanding so much now though. We can ask him questions and he definitely knows what we are saying and what he wants/doesn't want!! if we ask him 'where's your tummy/nose/mouth/etc' he will find them and point. He is running everywhere, loves kicking balls around the house + outside, although when he is outside he seems to prefer to explore, try and dig with a little shovel, and play in water! He is fascinated with spinning around at the moment, I think he likes the dizzy feeling he gets!

20 weeks

Oven from a cardboard box

I will need to put some more photos up of the completed oven, but this was when Daddy was fixing the knobs on the 'cooker'. Cadell was excited about climbing in and out the cupboard. He is now loving the oven, will whisk a cake up in the bowl that is supposed to be his sink but he likes taking it out all the time! And then he will put it in the oven and close the door. He loves putting all sorts into the cupboard, usually if I am looking for something that is where it will be!!

19 weeks - Anatomy scan

Today we had our 18-20 week anatomy scan. It always amazes me how much detail you can see even on a 2d scan. She checked the heart, organs, legs, feet, hands, brain. Took her some time to get a good shot of bub's profile, but we eventually got there. Everything looks normal as far as she can tell, but we will get the doctors report next week. What was easy to determine, and spot on the scan, was the gender of our little one. Our beautiful new little one is a...... BOY!!! When she showed us his bits ( it was very obvious even to our untrained eyes) I think we both thought, 'Oh, its not a girl' for a split second. But we also immediately started thinking about the special relationship that Cadell and this new little one will have. They will only be 22 months apart. Best buds, brothers. I am so looking forward to see their relationship grow. I love the thought of another little boy, Cadell is so sweet who wouldn't want another with his genes..! Little boy...

Pictures of my number 1 cutie