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Showing posts from October, 2012

15 months

Our boy is 15 months old today! Big changes this month - he is walking! It is gradually coming along, over the last few weeks and now he is probably walking more than crawling. He is also being more expressive, still not really saying many words, but he knows what he wants! The last few nights when i have been putting him to bed he has been putting his little arms around my neck, and looking up at me, trying to give me kisses. Very sweet. He still only has 7 teeth, but i think more are on their way. He has been very unsettled lately. He is still growing rapidly, i am sure he must be 12kgs by now - it definitely feels like it!

7 weeks

How far along? 7  weeks Size?  Blueberry Weight gain?   Not sure yet... Sleep?   Ok, though consistently waking up at 5:30am and not going back to sleep. Best Moment of the Week? My Nana and Auntie arriving from the UK. Miss anything? Being able to take any medications - miss this from 2 years ago  since I've been breastfeeding Cadell all the way through anyway! Movement? Not yet. Food Cravings? Indian. Anything make you queasy or sick?   Dairy has been tasting funny to me. Gender?   No idea. I'm thinking boy. Symptoms? Not many,  which is worrying me. I should probably just be grateful! Belly button in or out? In.   Looking forward to? Drs appointment tomorrow, she will hopefully ease my silly worrying. Overall? Looking forward to eventually having a scan at 12 weeks, so we can make sure the baby is ok in there. It doesn't really feel real at the moment. I think I will be able to keep it a secret until 12 weeks this time fr

Backyard Renovations Part 1

Our backyard renovations were completed on the weekend. And when i say completed i mean all the major work, there is still (literally) a ton of dirt to spread around, then we need to turf the area, and decide on a patio area. These will all be done in stages, hopefully we will have the turf in next month. Looking forward to having the area turfed so cadell can play out there! It wont be long before he is walking, so i am looking forward to spending a lot of time out there, he can run around after the dogs while i sit with a cool drink as i will be rather pregnant early next year! Back to the backyard, the new fence looks great, and we now have a double gate on the side. And it looks so spacious out there now! It will be a great space when we get it totally finished.

4 weeks

My phone popped up with, 'your baby is 4 weeks old today'. We took a test last thursday morning, and i was not expecting anything as i didnt feel pregnant. But a very faint line appeared. Took another test yesterday and a really dark line appeared! So... Im definitely pregnant! We are very excited, despite the fact that this past weekend has been stressful in other ways. I will do a proper 4 week post when i have a format i like (symptoms, size of baby all the info i want to remember) But for now i am just really excited, a bit sick and very tired. Also a bit scared about telling everyone at work (wont be until 12 weeks hopefully) as ive only been back a short time. Mum and dad know, and they are very happy and excited. But we wont be telling anyone else until 12 weeks. It should end up being perfect timing for me to finish work at the end of Term 1 next year, i will be 28 weeks then.