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Showing posts from August, 2012



Cadell enjoyed his lunch today. Macaroni tomato mince 

Instagram photos

13 months old

Today our beautiful boy is 13 months old! I can't believe how the time is flying. I think its only going to get worse! He is changing so rapidly these days, losing his baby look and becoming a little boy. He is so close to walking. This weekend he was attempting to take some hesitant steps to me or Daddy, and standing by himself for longer. He is still apprehensive though. Tooth number 5 is almost through, and tooth number 6 is on its way also. He is still sleeping great, 12 hrs most nights, and when we are at home at least a 2 hr nap. At daycare he isnt napping well though, which makes for a very tired and cranky little boy when we collect him. No real words yet apart from 'Mumma' and 'Dada', he does a lot of pointing and 'Dat' and 'Dere' especially when we are looking for birds which he loves. Hes waving, and we are currently showing him how to blow kisses. Dada has started putting him to bed occasionally, this came out of neccessity

Photo Editing

Just trying some different online editing sites. Currently very unwell today is the first day I have really felt like doing anything besides trying to sleep and rest, but I think I'm on the mend now, managed to eat some breakfast so that is a good start! I have so many photos to go through, and so many things I want to do with them. I also need to finish doing all of Cadell's first year videos, I'm excited to start but because I haven't really used Imovie much yet its a bit of a challenge. I love all of the creative outlets out there these days for saving precious family memories though.  I am going to have to prioritise my photo/video projects over the next few months. I have a lot of things I want to get done, some will be presents for family members and others are just things I want to get done to keep everything up to date.

Apple Cinnamon Muffins

I made these yummy muffins today, mainly as a snack for Cadell but they are so nice Mummy and Daddy might eat a few! I have been hunting for ideas for snacks for Cadell lately as I need things he can eat that are easy, healthyish, and don't make too much mess if we have to be out and about! I got the recipe from and it's american but there is not too many differences. Ingredients 1 1/2 cups plain flour 3/4 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/3 cup vegetable oil 1 egg 1/3 cup milk 2 apples - peeled chopped etc. 200 c oven Basically mix dry ingredients, add wet, then fold in the apples. Cook for 20-25 mins in muffin pan. Cadell seemed to like them!


It was my birthday yesterday, and just so happened to also be a public holiday here! Which was great as we both had the day off and the daycare was still open (wasn't a public holiday in that region) so we took Cadell in for a shorter day while we went and had a nice lunch. We picked him up from daycare around 3pm, and headed to the beach as it was such a lovely day. He had a great time knocking over all the sandcastles that Daddy was making!


For my boy because hes not feeling well and not eating. He ate some, but mainly played with them. posted from Bloggeroid


This week has been a funny week, I didn't go to work at all on Monday as Cadell was coughing so much he was vomiting and just generally not well so I didn't want to send him to daycare. On Tuesday he was still not well, so I took him to the Doctors early, and he gave us antibiotics for two inflamed ears. He said he was ok to send to daycare though, so I took him to daycare where there was a new person looking after him. I wasn't too happy about leaving him, he was upset and I didn't like to leave him with a new person when he was already unwell and upset. But I had to go to work. Wednesday I was feeling sick but I went to work, I phoned daycare at lunch and they said he was upset and not eating so I left work and went to take him home. So today I am full of cold, Cadell seems a little better but still not eating well so I am going to make him pancakes for morning tea when he wakes up to see if he will eat them. I think Cadell and I have been sick on and off for ne


Since Cadell's first birthday last weekend I have as most people do, been reminiscing back to Cadell's birth. It is hard not to think about what I was doing this time last year, how small he was, how far we've come since then, the sleepless nights and worrying about how he wasn't gaining weight. Now he is a great big heavy lump at 11kgs! Daddy's first cuddle His first bath First smile  First trip to the doctors - 7 days old Its so easy to forget those early days as they were so hazy, with sleep deprivation and the newness of the situation. It is amazing for me to look back at his early photos and realise the similarities, how much he still looks like he did then. I guess before I had my own baby I kind of thought all babies looked the same, but their little personalities and own features are there right from the beginning. He is so precious to us! Its hard to know just how much they will change your life when you are pregnant

Cadell's First Birthday

Cadell celebrated his First birthday on the weekend. He was sick, so we didn't end up having a party, but we did have a celebration with his cake: And his grandparents: The Beautiful Birthday Boy! He had a good day despite still not being well. Had his 12 month vaccinations yesterday, and so far seems to be ok from them. He was very brave even though there was 3 needles, 2 in his arms and 1 big one in his leg. He still has a bit of a cough from last week, but gradually getting over it. I think when they are at daycare it is a constant battle with runny noses etc. He is at daycare 3 days a week while I am at work. Being back at work is going better than I had thought. Having said that, the best part of my day is when we go to collect him. Having the 2 days at home with him before the weekend is great though. I definitely couldn't do 5 days a week away from him.

Bathtime fun